My name is DeShana and I am the owner of Tandem Milk. I am a Pathway 2 graduate and preparing for the September 2024 IBCLC examination cycle. I work with families through my Breastfriend program which is a free 8-week breastfeeding support program for new and growing families.

About Me

I am a mother of 3, Rainbow NICU graduate twins and one. I have been in the customer service field for over 10 years. I am passionate about helping people. I decided to pursue a career as a lactation consultant due to recommendations from family, friends, and my own breastfeeding journey.

Before having children, I knew that I would breastfeed. My experience with breastfeeding is the motivation behind my aspirations to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I was unaware of the work and support needed to be successful at breastfeeding. As a new mom of 30-week-old twins, my idea of normal was tossed out the window. I had to adjust to life. I learned to pump and build my supply all while teaching myself and preemie babies to feed directly from my breast. With minimal support, I breastfed my twins for two years. I breastfed my subsequent singleton for two years as well.

I am a mom who has experienced loss and joy. Learning how to manage my body postpartum was new to me and I wish I had someone to tell me what I know now. Lactation support is a much-needed resource, and knowledge from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) would have made a difference in my life. I am a Pathway 2 graduate preparing to take the September 2024 IBCLC examination.

I am in the process of expanding my breastfeeding education through clinical experience and mentoring with Charline Ogbeni, IBCLC. I look forward to becoming a well-rounded and successful IBCLC. Breastfeeding requires work, support, and a village. I want to be part of your village to help you reach your personal breastfeeding goals. Lets connect and make something magically happen.

I am Certified in Basic Life Support. I am a Certified ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere) BreastFriend .

“If it was not for DeShana’s Breastfriend program I would have given up a long time ago. DeShana supported me through the entire process from pregnancy through postpartum and now we our celebrating a year of breastfeeding. I was not able to achieve that with any of my other 3 children.”